Scorched Read online
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She jumps into the front and gives directions to Brian, her partner. They drive to the residence, stopping in front of the driveway and grab their equipment. With the engine on another call, they will be working the code by themselves until the next engine can arrive. Kelly walks through the door first, with Brian not far behind. He carries the airway bag, while she has the monitor and box of medications. Kelly kindly asks the family member to step aside and feels for a pulse. Looking at her chest, she can tell the patient isn’t breathing and there’s no pulse.
“Hook up the monitor and I’ll start chest compressions.”
Brain follows her orders and places the pads on the fragile woman’s chest. He pulls out a tube and places it into her airway, allowing them to provide air to their patient. He uses a bag, squeezing it to fill her lungs and then lets the air escape. After giving her a few breaths, he sets the bag down and grabs the IV supplies. When Kelly counts to 30, he gets the bag valve mask and squeezes it twice. He waits for Kelly to do another round of compressions before giving the patient more air and then looks for a good vein. Kelly glances at the monitor and says, “She’s in asystole. Flatlined,” she says with a frown. She knows only a few people will come back once their heart has lost all electricity.
Kelly sees Brain get the IV and grabs a bag of fluids with one hand and presses the airway bag against the floor, providing air to the poor lady’s lungs. Brian starts to push on her chest, while Kelly gets a breath and hangs the IV fluids. She draws up some medication and looks at the husband who is sitting on the couch. Tears stream down his cheeks, crying and then wipes his tears with the back of his hand. Kelly pushes the drug into the IV site and reaches for the airway bag to supply the patient with air again. She ensures Brian is pushing deep enough, so they can circulate the medicine to the heart. Kelly then has him stop while she checks the monitor and sees that the patient is still flatlined.
Brian immediately begins CPR as the engine company walks in and asks what they can do to help. He motions the firefighter to take over CPR and moves to the head to provide air every eight seconds. He glances over at Kelly and can tell that there is no change. They’ll be calling the doctor soon to see if they can discontinue all attempts of resuscitation. They’re able to do everything a hospital can do, without the large bills.
Kelly asks the captain to start getting information from the husband and injects another round of drugs. She looks at her watch and notes the time, so she can report when she gave the medicine. They usually try about 20 minutes and then talk to the family. She has the firefighter stop, checking the rhythm and sees the same one they’ve had since arriving. She shakes her head and has them continue CPR as she gets off the floor to place her hand on the gentleman’s shoulder. This is one of the hardest parts of her position.
“Sir, we are doing all we can, but there is no electrical activity in her heart. We can continue and take her to the hospital, but we are doing exactly what they would. It’s up to you, but I can call the doctor, who will ask me to stop all attempts.”
“Is it too late?” he sobs more and slowly looks into Kelly’s eyes.
“I’m afraid so,” she says and frowns. “I’ll transport her, if you’d like me too, but I am afraid there is nothing more we can do.”
“I understand,” the husband says before sobbing, “we were together for over 50 years. It’s hard to let her go.”
Kelly wraps her arms around him, helping to calm the older gentleman before he answers the question.
“Do what you feel is best.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry for your loss. The captain here will need a little more information and then the police will help you.”
“Thank you,” he whispers and looks at the floor.
Kelly pats the husband on the shoulder and steps outside, so she can call the doctor and give him the report. Once she has the doctor’s okay, she walks in and signal’s the crew to stop their efforts. She helps clean up the packaging and mess, tossing it into a red bio bag. Pulling all their equipment out, they clean and wipe it all down before returning it back to the unit.
“These calls never get easy, having to the tell the family that their loved one is gone. Especially when they’ve been together for that long.”
“I know what you mean and I’m so glad it’s you and not me,” Brian turns and gets the information from the captain.
“Do you need us for anything?”
“We’re good, Cap. Thanks for the help.”
Kelly watches as the four men go back to their engine and drive away. She looks through the door, making sure the police are handling their end and then climbs into the rescue. She needs to go in service, in case there’s another call. Meanwhile, her heart aches as she pours over the call in her head, ensuring she couldn’t do more. They pull away from the curb and call the dispatch on the radio, “Rescue 55 is in service. The scene has been turned over to the police,” she places the mic down and has a long look out the window. How can it get worse?
“Rescue 55, respond to an infant choking.”
Kelly’s eyes get big as she looks at Brian and then answers dispatch, “Rescue 55 is responding,”
With the flip of a switch, she turns the siren on and responds quickly. When they arrive, they get the bags and run into the house where they see the baby resting comfortably in her mom’s hands.
“What happened?”
“I was feeding her, and she started to turn blue and cough. I thought she was choking, but she seems to be okay now.”
Kelly exhales, glad she isn’t working another code, especially a pediatric. She asks the mother if it’s okay to check the baby out and places her stethoscope in her ears. She listens to the baby’s breath sounds and finds them to be clear. She advises the mom that the baby hasn’t learned when to breath and when to eat. It takes 6 months or more for them to learn that. She asks if the mom would still like to go to the hospital, but she sighs in relief and shakes her head no.
“Thank you for getting here so fast.”
Kelly tells her that it’s no problem and gets the baby’s information. She types it into the computer and has the mom sign the refusal. She tells her to call them back if anything changes. Kelly turns to leave, picking up the bags and carries them to the unit, exhaling after taking a deep breath.
“Thank God it’s ‘mom’s first baby syndrome.’”
“I agree. Let’s hope this shift gets better.”
Kelly nods and goes to her side of the truck. She closes the door and places her head against the headrest. She sighs as her mind swirls with turmoil, needing an escape and she won’t get that until tomorrow night. She needs some down time, so she can relax and recharge. You never know what life will throw at you next. Then the radio announces, “Rescue 55, are you available?”
“10-4!” she utters and waits for the next call.
“We need you to be en route to the shop for a change over. They need to perform maintenance on your rescue car.”
“Fuck! Are they kidding me right now? As if I need this. To pull all this equipment off here and put it into a shitty back up truck. This day sucks and it’s only morning!”
“Sorry, Kelly,” Brain says and rubs her shoulder.
“No, I’ll be fine. I just needed to vent some steam.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yea, I had a late night and I should know better. We need sleep when we can get it.”
“I totally agree. Shall we get this over with?”
“Yes! Rescue 55 will be en route to headquarters and shop,” she drops the radio mic and closes her eyes, trying to relax.
“We all have our bad days, Kelly. No worries.”
“Thanks,” she says and wonders if he can read her mind. They have worked together for several years, so she shouldn’t be surprised. She gives Brian a smile. “Thank you. It’s always a pleasure to work with you.”
“Same here,” he replies and drives to headquarters.
Chapter 3
Master Dominic watc
hes Kelly closely as she walks into the club, swaying her hips side to side. She grabs his balls and squeezes while kissing him passionately.
“It’s a good thing you’re a switch, or I’d punish you for that,” Dominic says and swats her ass.
“Are you threating me with a good time? Besides you know I’m playing with Josh and Beth first."
“Yea, but you will be begging me to take you very soon. You need my dominance.”
Kelly hops into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She leans into his right ear and whispers, “I’ll need it hard tonight, but let me pleasure my subs first.”
“I’ll be right here waiting for you, beautiful.” Kelly gives him a peck to the cheek and walks towards the two submissives who are kneeling side-by-side. Their heads are lowered, ready to submit their bodies, minds and souls to her.
They have been with her for almost 3 and 5 years, respectively. She met the submissive girl online and the male here at the club. She took months to get to know them before deciding to take them on as her submissives. She had to make sure they knew where she stands in the relationships. She’s not one to be tied down to one person but have a few people who have the same kinks she does. She tries to fill their wants and her desires, and she likes the variety.
“Such good pets I have,” she says but in the most respectful way.
They love her words of endearment and feel even more submissive when she uses different names for them. She looks over each submissive, seeing Beth’s five-foot four-inch curvy body, looking so beautiful. Her brown hair sits just below her ears, giving her this cute appearance, along with her gorgeous brown eyes. She’s been the only female sub she’s played with since college.
The subs each smile, but continue to keep their eyes on the floor, wanting to show their respect. The excitement builds within the pair and in the room. They’re ready to be bound and taken by their lovely dominant.
Beth looks up and sees what items she is picking out, smiling when she sees a panel gag and leather cuffs. Beth loves when she uses leather on her. Lately she has been feeling a bit bratty and when she doesn’t get her way, she acts up trying to force her dominant’s hand. Though, it usually doesn’t work out in her favor, she still pushes her domme. Beth figures if she keeps it up, she’ll soon get exactly what she desires. She quickly looks up when her Mistress calls her over to the chains in the ceiling. She briskly maneuvers into position with her arms behind her back and head down. She waits, taking some deep breaths as her head starts to feel like it’s floating.
Kelly places a cuff on each wrist, tightening them and uses the buckle to secure them. She lifts them over Beth’s head and clips them to the chains hanging from the ceiling. Kelly gives her a smirk, right before twisting both her nipples and watches intently as her face distorts, exhaling sharply. Kelly listens to the chains clanging together as her sub twists away and tries to pull back. Instead, Kelly gets a hold of the right nipple and pulls. Beth screams out, allowing Kelly to slip the panel gag into her mouth. She walks around and begins to fasten each of the straps, pulling the ball in deeper. Finally, she pulls the chin strap, closing her mouth shut.
“Your muzzle looks beautiful on you, my pet,” Kelly states and listens to her protests. She gives her left nipple a twist to help fuel her fire.
With her female sub naked and bound to the chains, it’s time to get her male sub to obey. She looks him over from a distance, loving how he remains still and waits for her. He’s such a good boy. Josh is a six-foot hunk of a man. She had trouble seeing him as a sub at first, being built like a tank and figured he must be dominant or switch. When she finally decided to meet him, she found him to be very submissive and willing. She uses a few triggers and he’s ready to melt into the floor. His brown crew cut gives him the appearance of someone in the military.
“Josh, crawl to me, my pet!”
He doesn’t hesitate, crawling on all fours and making his way to her feet. He lowers his lips to her boot and kisses it but receives a slap to his naked ass. “Did I say to kiss me?”
“My apologies, Mistress.”
“Get your ass over to the other set of chains!”
Josh replies with a ‘yes, mistress’ and gets into position, but as he begins to stand, Kelly strikes his ass with a crop. “Did I say stand? You’re right where you belong, on your knees, until I am ready for you.”
She watches as he inhales deeply and can see that he is feeling very submissive.
“As you wish, Mistress.”
“That’s my good boy,” Kelly tells him and holds the button, so the chains come down to his level. She orders him to place both wrists behind his back and begins to bind them together. She then uses a short rope to weave through the chains and pulls up on his arms. It forces him to bend his head to the floor, while lifting his arms straight up. For good measure, she uses rope to tie his ankles to an eyebolt in the floor. Kelly stands and admires her two submissives, before walking around them. She leans down and whispers into Josh’s ear, “Make a sound and I’ll find the biggest gag here to fill your mouth, understood?”
Josh only nods, knowing that she will follow through even if he answers her correctly. He wants to whimper, as his submission grows wildly within his soul. He loves submitting, but the feeling of helplessness is intoxicating. He remains in his position, waiting and anticipating what his mistress will do next.
Kelly stands in front of her female sub, running a finger across her panel-gagged mouth. She smiles as Beth’s eyes close, and a shiver travels down her body, causing her to shake.
“Good girl! I love when you are beginning to feel high. You need my control, don’t you?”
Beth nods and looks at the floor. She squirms in the leather cuffs, having a helpless sensation run through her veins, whimpering into the gag.
“That’s my pet. I love how you look and feel when you tremble with excitement. I’m going to have you going crazy, you will beg me to give you release, but that’s not going to happen, is it?”
Beth shakes her head and pleads with her eyes, after opening them with a terrified look.
“Don’t give me that look! You disobeyed me, and you know what that means, punishment!”
She nods but diverts her attention from her mistress. She wants her orgasm and didn’t want to wait another week. She pulls on the cuffs and chains, giving her mistress a quick glance when she reaches between her legs and feels the dampness.
“Such a shame, you’re already wet and needy, aren’t you?”
Beth’s eyes light up with excitement while she nods quickly. Her drool slips under the panel, flowing upon the floor, while whimpering and pleading. She hopes that the mistress will have mercy but drops her head when her fingers slip away from her clit. She watches as Kelly gets a few items from the table, turning to show her subs what she has in store for them. Beth shakes in the bonds, while Josh lowers his head and rests it on the floor. Kelly smiles as she returns and gets wet from each of their reactions. One loves the pain and the other isn’t much of a fan but deserves to be punished for coming without her permission.
Kelly walks behind Beth, running a hand down her back and rubs her ass, just before pulling back on the flogger. She’s about to strike her ass when Beth moves away, squealing into the gag and shakes her head no.
“You knew this was coming, pet. Do you want me to release you?”
With a drop of her head, she shakes her head ‘no’ and gets back into position. She pushes her bottom out slightly and tightens her ass, getting ready for the pain.
“Let’s make sure we keep you put! I don’t want to hit the wrong area,” Kelly says with a smirk
She wraps some rope, winding it around her ankles several times and ties a knot before pulling it into an eye bolt. She ties it off and stands, pinching her right nipple. She watches intently as she pulls and yanks but can’t get away.
Once the mistress is content, she picks up the flogger and begins to warm her ass with light, but continuous strikes of
her butt. The flogger fans out, allowing the ends to sting each cheek, but not causing her too much pain.
Kelly slows her attack, so she can draw the flogger back and strike her right cheek, watching as she yanks on all the bonds and yells into the gag. She hits the next ass cheek, stopping to run a hand over her bottom gently.
“You know why I am punishing you, right?” Kelly watches as a tear slips down her face. She can tell the disappointment is setting in, but that’s not going to deter her from finishing what she started. “Good!”
Kelly starts to form crisscrosses over Beth’s ass, leaving deep red marks in the form of a X. She alternates between her bottom and then back, causing her submissive to beg and whimper. She is babbling into the gag, asking for forgiveness, but she knows that Kelly won’t let up the torment until she decides. She needs to feel her control over Beth as much as possible and when she doesn’t, the sub will pay for it. She will teach her to be obedient all the time or she’ll get floggings to help remind her. Either way, Kelly is feeding her desires of control and dishing out pain that her submissive enjoys. Though the disappointment will be a different story.
With the last two strikes of the flogger, she sees that Beth is hanging in the chains slightly and is exhausted from fighting her bondage. She’s had enough and will need to cool down, still bound, until she is finished with Josh.
“Josh, my pet, you make me so proud. You have been such a good boy and very obedient. It’s time for a maintenance cropping, so you remember who oversees your sweet ass. My pet, you deserve to receive your pleasure from pain.”
Josh nods while gazing back at Kelly. He has a glance at Beth’s ass, seeing how red and shiny it looks. He can’t wait to feel the warmth coming from his own ass, feeling it tingle all over. He loves the submission and pain, allowing Kelly to take what she wants. He’ll do anything and everything for her, just to please his mistress. His soul sings when she is in control and doesn’t let him do anything without permission. If he wants something, he needs to text or call her. If it’s a need, then he’s allowed to do whatever is required to live and be happy. It’s the pleasures of life, that he needs to ask for.