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Scorched Page 4

  Kelly lies within his strong arms and closes her eyes. Her pussy is still contracting after her wonderful bliss and submission. She can’t seem to stop smiling as her rosy red cheeks glow with warmth. Pushing back against him, she tries to get as close as she can before she closes her eyes. She feels very safe in his arms and quickly falls asleep. Her daily stress fades away, snuggling into her master.

  Chapter 5

  Bruce walks into the firehouse, yawning from a long night. He goes to the coffeemaker and pours a cup of coffee. He sips it and starts down the hall leading to the bay. He needs to get the report from the off going crew and check out his engine. He walks past Kelly and notices some faded marks on her wrists. Reaching for her arm, he turns her arm over a few times.

  “Another good night, I assume?”

  “Yes! A very good night and as you can see, I slept in some light bondage,” she giggles. “How’s it going on your end?”

  “I wish I could say the same, but she hasn’t been in the mood. Our son has been going out and getting drunk. The boy has no direction in his life.”

  “What about getting him in a volunteer station,” Kelly asks and pulls her arm away just as another firefighter walks by. “Hey James.”

  “Hi. How are you both doing? Ready for the big one?” James asks and smiles.

  “You are gung-ho, I’ll give you that. You need to slow down a bit,” Bruce says and laughs. “If you would, start checking out the engine, thanks.” Bruce watches as James smiles and heads towards the big red truck.

  “I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the club and wanted to make sure we’re good,” Bruce says and looks into Kelly’s eyes.

  “I’m fine, Tiny. It’s nice to know someone else that enjoys the lifestyle.”

  “Good, I didn’t want it to feel awkward between us.” Bruce looks back to make sure James is checking the medical equipment.

  “Not at all, I’m good with my life choices and I embrace my inner kink. How about your wife, was she cool?”

  “Well, she was cool with me knowing you, but our son has us both fighting, so it makes it difficult to want to play.”

  Kelly looks up into the very tall man’s eyes with sympathy and says, “I think you should have him join a volunteer department. He may just love it as much as you did, and it could give him the direction he needs. I know you said you’d rather him find a different type of job, but maybe this is what he really wants. To follow in his dad’s footsteps.”

  “Maybe, I just thought he could do better than me.”

  “Are you saying you hate the job?” she gives him a look.

  “Never! I love this job, but…”

  “You’re afraid he might get hurt or worse?”

  “Yea, I guess that’s it. I’m not sure I could live with myself if anything happened to him.”

  “Then teach him all you know, and he will be great at this job. Besides, if he doesn’t start to figure his life out, he might take the wrong path and who knows where that will lead him.”

  “You’re right. If he continues to drink and drive, he might end up in a much worse place. Thank you, I needed that. Hey! If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll do anything to help.”

  “Thanks, Tiny,” she laughs as she calls him by his nickname. An ironic name since he is nearly six-foot-five.

  Bruce taps Kelly on the back and goes to his engine so he can help check out all the equipment and the fire pump. He needs to make sure the truck will pump water if they have a fire. He places a hand on the shoulder of James, and asks, “How does it look so far?”

  “All the medical stuff is in good shape and I checked out my air pack and radio.”

  “Great, run some of the saws and then head into the station so you can get the other duties finished.”

  Bruce watches him nod and rush around the corner to check a few more things out. He can only smile as James is so eager to learn and do anything to help. He’s been on the job for nearly 5 years and already looking like a seasoned firefighter. Bruce stops for a moment and pictures his son being just like James and smiles. Oh, how proud I would be if he’d join the force and was as eager to work hard and be one of the best firefighters in the department.

  At that moment he decides to have a talk with his son and see if he would be interested in starting at the volley station first. He might just love it and want to turn his life around.

  Bruce thinks back several years: just coming out of the fire academy, he was happy to be eligible to get hired with one of the largest departments in the state. He applied all over as he didn’t want to miss an opportunity to start making money and get experience, but he was hoping to be hired by this department. He waited weeks for a call and went to other interviews. He finally got his chance and was going to take another job when the large department called him. He set up a date and time for an interview. When they shook his hand, congratulating him, he knew he made the right decision. Who wouldn’t want to work for the largest department with deep seeded traditions?

  He still remembers how he felt so high and couldn’t wait to tell all his friends and family. Oh, they were all so proud of him. He started a few weeks later and found that the job was even better than he’d imagined. He ran in and out of so many people’s lives, but unfortunately it was during many of their worst moments. Though, the few times that he made a difference did make the bad times feel a little better. It seemed like you lose a little piece of yourself when you see bad things happen to young kids. It was hard sometimes, but one had to find their way to manage through the tough times. It was always nice to have a good crew, as they became your family and depended on them in so many ways. One may say firefighters have an odd sense of humor, but no one thinks that it’s the job that makes them that way.

  Bruce leans on the front of the truck and pictures his first ever fire: The fire was intense, burning everything in the room and started to burn along the ceiling of the hall that he was crawling down. He could feel the fear inside him building as he wanted to turn back, but his captain kept encouraging him. Up to this point, the only heat he felt was from a small burn building and you were in and out. Now he found himself face to face with the beast that claims firefighters lives every year. He pulled the hand line along the floor, eyes wide as he watched the room in front of him flash in a second. His captain shoved him to the floor as the fire spread across their backs, creating an unbearable amount of heat. Bruce thought this was it, he was going to die right then and there. Then the captain yelled, “Roll on your side and use that fucking hose you have, shit head! It’s fucking hot in here!”

  Bruce rolled and open the bail of the nozzle and watched as it quickly pushed the fire back into the room. He had the upper hand and was going to battle this thing back into the depths it came from. It didn’t take long for him to feel confident and get back to his knees. He crawled forward while he extinguished the fire in the hall and moved into the bedroom. He was amazed how fast the water cooled the hall and put the fire out. With every push forward, his confidence increased and made him feel like a true firefighter. One who won’t just do the job but do it well.

  His captain tapped him on the shoulder. “Great job, son. Now let’s mop up and make sure it didn’t spread.”

  Bruce was on cloud nine and nothing was going to knock him down.

  “Maybe this is exactly what my son needs to help him find his way,” Bruce says out loud.

  He’ll talk to him and see if he can get him to sign up with the local volunteer department. If he likes it enough, he’ll put him into the fire academy and then try to get him on the job. At least he can keep him busy and out of trouble. He doesn’t want his son getting arrested for a DUI or worse. Turning around, he goes to help James check out the rest of the engine. He smiles to himself, thinking this is exactly what his boy needs.

  Chapter 6

  Kelly sits on one of the couches in the bondage club. She has a quick glance around, hoping one of her playmates would be here
tonight, but didn’t have any set plans for the evening. At the last minute, she thought she’d come see what’s going on. Usually she’ll make plans and set who she will play with, but tonight she’s feeling more laidback.

  She glances back towards the entrance and sees the young man from the other day. Looking him over, she still thinks he is eye candy for most women. His very muscular arms and chest, giving him the ‘V’ shape body. She looks at his legs, adoring his large thighs and sculpted calves as he walks up to her. She’s still staring at him when he says, “How’s it going?”

  “Hey! I’m good. What’s new with you?”

  “Well, I’m hoping that you’re not busy, since you are just sitting here, and we might play a little.”

  “Well, sit down and we can discuss what you have in mind.”

  Devin sits beside her and places his hand on her leg. She gives him a look, but then smiles. She doesn’t want to push him away; she could use an alternate play partner. They talk about the ideas he has and what he thought would look sexy on her. That he would tie her up a bit, but only as much as she feels comfortable. Then he’d dish out some pain and see how she feels.

  “As long as you stick with the traffic light safe word, I’ll play.”

  “Good, follow me,” Devin orders and gets up from the couch. “Oh, no! You will crawl behind me.”

  “Yes, sir,” Kelly drops her head and feels her submission growing quickly.

  She follows him to the edge of the room and moves into a present, hands resting palm up on her thighs. Her head lowers as her gaze focuses on the floor. She waits, taking in a deep breath and holds it. She wonders what kind of bondage he will tie her in and if he will know exactly what she wants. Has he been watching and learning, or does he shoot from the hip? She has no problem shutting a dominant down if they don’t play by her rules. It’s about giving the submissive what they desire, while feasting on their reactions and their love for BDSM.

  She exhales while his soft hands take hers and pulls them up, so he can kiss each one. He thanks her for the chance to fill her needs and then moves her arms over her head. Devin begins to wind the rope around her wrists, while she moans slightly. The soft cotton rope feels wonderful as it slides across her skin. She shivers with anticipation as her mind begins to drift, an incredible high. Gasping when he yanks on the ends of the rope, she settles back onto her shins and closes her eyes. She places her tied wrists in front of her, feeling secured and willing.

  Kelly smiles as a silk scarf is pulled across her eyes, moving it gently side to side before he ties it off behind her head. She moans softly, allowing herself to completely relax and be in the moment. She wants him to take her submission and give her what she desires the most, helplessness and pain.

  She stands as Devin pulls her off the floor and leads her carefully. She stops as he whispers into her ear, “May I bind you to a device, having your ass exposed?”

  Kelly exhales slowly and answers in a whisper, “Yes.”

  She then feels him unfasten her shorts and slides them down her legs. With his fingers hooked on her panties, they slip out of the way and leave her naked from the waist down. She takes a few steps and bends over something. She lays upon what feels like the padded sawhorse, having him pull each breast on either side of it. Her chest sitting somewhat comfortably on the device as he begins to tie rope around her left ankle and the leg of the sawhorse. Pressing them together, she is fused as one. She squirms, but there’s no way she’s getting free. She feels his gentle touch on her other ankle, binding it to the other sawhorse leg. She can’t move, as she pulls her arms close to her body, feeling very submissive.

  It doesn’t last long though, as he gets ahold of her hands and pulls them to the far end of the horse. Devin starts to wrap rope around her wrists and the device. She is truly helpless and in heaven. She fancies this feeling and doesn’t want to go anywhere. Her mind and body are starting to feel the endorphin dump, rushing through her veins. She’s ready for his pain and is willing to take anything he desires. She already feels safe as he demonstrates the kind of respect that is valuable in this lifestyle. She smiles and squirms to find a little more comfortable position.

  Kelly yanks on the bonds, feeling the sting of the crop on her ass. She hisses through tightly pressed lips, fighting the bondage that keeps her in place. She screams slightly when he crops the other ass cheek a little harder. It causes her to pant, squirming a little more and trying to be ready for his next attack. The crop lands across both cheeks, leaving its mark and making her scream out loud.

  “Do you need a gag, love?”

  She shakes her head and bites her lip. She’ll have to try to prevent from screaming as she doesn’t want a gag. This being the first time they have played. When the crop again lands across her ass, she exhales to keep her screams to a minimal. Panting, she adjusts her position before he strikes again, but this time in a more loving manner. It causes Kelly to moan her pleasures while her ass begins to radiate heat. She’s slipping deeper into her submission as he continues to use the crop to show who is in control.

  Kelly pulls and thrashes in the bonds while he crops her ass until it’s red. Her pants are irregular and shallow when he strikes her quickly, doubling up on each ass cheek. She struggles hard when the pain begins to become too much and blurts out, “Yellow.”

  “I’m sorry. Let’s take a little break,” Devin says and sets the crop down. He begins to untie her from the horse but leaves her wrists bound. He picks her up and carries her to the couch. Placing her to one side, he turns and sits beside her. He lifts her head, putting it on his lap and watches as she curls up into a ball. She allows him to play with her hair, something she’s always loved. He can tell that she is high as a kite and she will need to come down a bit before he asks to finish what he’s started.

  Kelly squirms slightly, feeling her pussy clench while her nectar seeps onto her leg. She moans inadvertently, signaling the dominant that she is on edge and willing. She feels him move a little as his head gets close to her ear. His warm breath sends tingles down her spine, speaking softly, “May I take you to my hotel room and finish what we started?”

  Kelly is consumed by her ecstasy and doesn’t think before nodding her head. He sits her up, replacing her pants and then helps her to stand, pulling them around her hips. He stuffs her panties into his pocket and tosses her over his large shoulder. He carries her out of the club and to his car. Putting her into his front seat, he goes around to the driver side and has a glance at his prize.

  “Ahh, don’t cheat. No peeking or I won’t spank you when we get to the hotel room.”

  She whimpers, but then answers, “Yes, sir”

  “That’s a good girl, now just relax and I’ll have you dripping wet before long.” Devin reaches over and pulls her seatbelt across her bound wrists, trapping them when he yanks it, allowing the belt to retract. He ties a scarf over her eyes and blindfolds her before pulling away.

  They drive a few blocks and then park in front of the large hotel. He removes the seatbelt, untying her, and removes the blindfold. He tosses the items in the back seat and moves to kiss her tender lips.

  With a hand between them, she says, “I don’t kiss on the first date,” and gives him a wink.

  “I respect that, but those other lips will be getting kissed tonight!”

  “Yes, sir,” she smiles and opens her door.

  They make their way to the hotel, taking the elevator up to his room. He opens the door for her and shows her the way to the bed. “Lay on your stomach so I may get you all tied up, nice and tight.”

  She follows his directions, lying down and waits. She takes a few slow and deep breaths, trying to relax a little more. Her head is catching up, realizing she’s alone with this stranger. When she exhales, her excitement grows and allows her mind to slip into a deep submissive trance. She hopes he will follow through with his plans, licking her until she comes.

  He orders her to remove her shirt and bra but can keep her s
horts on for now. She obeys and removes her items, setting them on the bed, asking, “There will be no kissing and no sex, right?” She turns her head and stares at him. She sees the rope in his hands and a ball gag, making her tremble with anticipation.

  Devin just nods, applying the ball gag and buckling one notch too much. He wants to ensure she remains quiet as he begins to wrap the rope securely around her wrists, binding them tight behind her back. She feels him yank on the rope to make them even tighter.

  Kelly glares at him and starts to protest into the ball, but it appears that he can’t understand her because he pulls again. She tests the rope, pulling frantically and tries to get his attention. Something seems a little off to her as she struggles to get the rope loosened. She looks back, still lying on the bed and sees his odd glare. There is a darkness that she didn’t see in his eyes at the club. His gentleman ways seem to be fading and coming to the surface appears to be a man who wants to do harm. He picks up a knife, looking it over before he starts to approach her. She begins to panic, fighting the very tight rope. Her fingers are already numb and soon her hands will become blue if she doesn’t get the rope cut off.

  She pleads with her eyes, shaking her head violently and moves to get away. He grabs her ankle and yanks her back towards him. She attempts to twist and kick at him, but he deflects her leg and turns her onto her stomach. Once he’s straddling her, she can’t move; arms bound and his body weight keeping her still. She screams, but the gag keeps it negligible, while she struggles to wiggle away from her attacker. She can feel his cock pressing on her ass while leaning in and runs the back of the blade of a knife across her shoulders.