Scorched Read online

Page 5

  “You love this and as you can feel, I love your struggles.”

  Kelly attempts to buck him off and screams her safe word, but he either ignores her or can’t understand her pleas. Her squirms continue when he moves the blade back over her skin. The cold steel sends chills down her spine. She panics, thinking the worse and can’t just lie here while he cuts her to shreds. She never discussed this and feels he is about to harm her or even take her life. When she feels him making the first cut, it stings, causing her to yell out and buck her hips into the air. With the adrenaline dump, she’s able to get him off balance, twisting and casting him to the floor. She reaches into her back pocket and flips open a small knife, almost dropping it as her hands are numb.

  She cuts the rope quickly, pulling hard and getting her hands free. She rolls over to the other side of the bed, giving her a barrier between them. When he stands up, she holds the knife out like she will use it on him, but the knife is very small and wouldn’t cause enough damage.

  “Easy, tiger! I was only having a little fun. Just relax and I’ll get you cleaned up. You don’t have to overreact.”

  Kelly babbles into the gag, shaking her head and holds her arms up in a defensive posture.

  “Look, I’ll set down the knife. I really won’t hurt you. I just love the struggle I get when the submissive is totally helpless and I cause her a little more pain than she expects. Besides, your look of horror is to die for!”

  When he sets the knife on the floor, she reaches up and removes the gag, throwing it at him. “Fuck you! I didn’t agree to any of this! Toss me my shirt and bra, I’m leaving. If you try anything, I’ll scream so loud, the entire building will know.”

  Kelly puts her shirt on, scurrying out the door and down the hall. She puts the pocketknife back and keeps turning to make sure he isn’t following her. She hits the elevator button several times, until the door finally opens, getting in and pushing the button to close the doors. Once she presses the first floor, she leans her head against the wall and exhales. Getting her phone, she calls her two closes friends, but they don’t answer.

  Finally, she presses Bruce’s number, having him answer in his deep, and booming voice, “Hey, Kelly, what’s up?”

  “Can you please pick me up at the Hilton Hotel that’s a few miles from the club?”

  “Yes, of course. Is everything alright?”

  “I think so, but I’ll be walking north on Henderson St, so I can put some distance between myself and that prick.”

  “What prick?” Bruce asks and gets into his truck. He tries to keep her on the phone, so he can ensure she is safe.

  “That guy at the club, who interrupted us when I saw you and your wife.”

  “What happened, Kelly?”

  Bruce speeds down the road and turns each corner with squealing tires. He continues to talk to Kelly, trying to get as much information as he can. He’s also trying to keep her calm, so she can stay levelheaded. He drives quickly up behind her, stopping and jumps out, calling her name. Once he reaches Kelly, he takes her into his arms and hugs her tightly. She leans into his big burly chest and sobs, unable to speak.

  Bruce gets her into the car and drives her towards the club, asking if he can tend to her wound, but she shakes her head no and wipes the tears.

  She tells him exactly what happened while staring out the window. She’s never been so afraid in her life. She thought he was going to hurt her and have his fun, until he killed her. She didn’t think she was going to escape as her mind continues to replay the moment in her head, unable to stop thinking about it.

  “Can you take me home instead, Bruce? I don’t think I can drive.”

  Bruce turns around and goes in the other direction, but instead of her home, he drives her toward his own.

  “Stay the night, we have a spare room. Besides, maybe you can speak with my son and help me convince him to start volunteering at the local fire station.” Bruce uses his son as an excuse, but he really wants to make sure she’s safe for the night.

  “Thank you,” is all Kelly can manage and remains silent the rest of the trip.

  Chapter 7

  Kelly walks slowly into the firehouse, feeling awkward about what happened the other night. She’s not sure how Bruce will react around her. She doesn’t need him to be all up her ass and hopes he will leave her alone. She can defend herself and doesn’t need him to make a scene at work. When she walks into the dayroom, she sees him standing next to the large oak table, sipping his coffee. He glances up, giving her a nod and goes back to talking with James. She smiles and takes her stuff to the bunk room, exhaling when she gets to her bed. She sits on the edge, cupping her face and hopes that he isn’t going to follow her into the room. When he doesn’t, she gathers her thoughts and stands up. It’s time for work and she has a rescue to check out.

  Kelly begins to get the report from the off going crew, signing the narcotics before tossing the lock box back in the cabinet. She is about to check the heart monitor when the tones blast across the speakers, “Beeeeeeeeeeeeep! Rescue 55, respond to a call for chest pains.”

  She gets out of the rescue and makes her way to the passenger seat. Her partner Brian jumps in and startles her, “Ready?”

  “Yea. Take a left out of here,” she advises him and blows out her breath. She slowly speaks into the mic, “Rescue 55 is responding.”

  “Are you alright? It looks like something is bothering you.”

  “I didn’t sleep well and I’m very tired today.”

  “Okay, just let me know if I can do something to make the shift better for you.”

  Kelly places a hand on his shoulder and smiles. “Thanks, but I’m good.” Then she looks out the window and gives him the directions to the scene.

  They climb out of the rig, once arriving on scene, and grab all their equipment. They head inside and begin the evaluation on the older lady who is having chest pain. They ask her routine questions while hooking her up to the monitor. They notice that she’s sweating and looks pale, a bad sign for someone with chest pain. They wait for the 12 lead EKG and confirm what they already knew, she’s having a heart attack. Kelly gives Brian a look and gets on the radio, calling for an engine company to supply a driver. They load the patient into the back of the truck and quickly start an IV. Brian gives her some medication to open her blood vessels. They rapidly treat her while waiting for the firefighter to jump in the front and drive them to the hospital. Kelly is relieved when she hears the door open and James call back, “You ready?”

  “Yes! And don’t spare the diesel if you know what I mean.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” James replies and drives swiftly to the local hospital.

  Kelly continues to monitor the patient’s pain, seeing that she’s sweating less, and her pain is decreasing. She gives her another squirt of nitro under the tongue and presses the button for a blood pressure. She looks out the back window and sees they have arrived at the hospital. Jumping out, her and James pull the stretcher out from the back and wheel the patient inside. She gives them the report and tells the lady that she’s in good hands. With a kind thank you in return, Kelly turns and walks out of the room. She ventures outside, helping Brian put new sheets on the stretcher and thanks James before he hops back on his fire truck.

  They replace the stretcher and go available when dispatch gives them another call, “Your responding to a 65-year old male with low blood sugar. Engine 55 is responding along with you.”

  “10-4,” Kelly replies and puts on her seatbelt.

  They walk up to the house, leaving the stretcher by the door and go inside to find James starting an IV. “Whatcha got?”

  “His blood sugar is 20, so I am going to give him D50 to wake him up. Then we can see if he wants to go to the hospital. The wife said he usually doesn’t want to go, so I have her making him a PB&J.”

  James sticks the needle into his arm and once the blood flashes in the catheter, he slips the needle out and attaches the tubing. He opens the fluids a
nd ensures the IV works, before pushing the D50 into his vein. With only half the medicine in, the gentleman starts to moan and looks around.

  “Looks like my sugar dropped again, or I died and went to heaven, having this beauty next to me,” he says as he glances up at Kelly.

  “Yes, sir. Your sugar was down to 20. You can’t keep doing this. You really need to take care of yourself and keep checking your blood sugar throughout the day.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says and smiles at Kelly.

  Kelly returns the smile and asks if he wants to go to the hospital. When he refuses and signs the paperwork, she helps Brian push the stretcher back to the unit before heading back to the station. They hope to eat some lunch before it’s dinner time.

  Kelly has a long look on her face as Brian again asks if everything is okay, but she plays it off as though she’s tired. She gets out of the truck and carries the computer into the station.

  She considered calling out of work and now wishes she had. It would be easier than facing all these firefighters and running the calls. She walks directly into the bunk area, sitting on her bed and pulls her legs into her chest. Lying her head on her knees, she thinks back to the other night. I was so scared but was still able to react and cut myself free. He almost had me completely helpless, where I wouldn’t have been able to get away. What would he have done to me, if I hadn’t gotten away?

  Kelly shakes her head. “But I did get away. No one’s going to push me around. I’m a tough bitch.”

  “That you are!” Bruce says and walks to her bunk.

  He slides the curtain closed and looks at Kelly. He doesn’t say anything at first, allowing her to take a few slow breaths and stare up at him.

  “You okay, Kelly?”

  “Yea. I’m just having trouble getting that night out of my head.”

  Bruce doesn’t say a word. He goes to the side of the bed and reaches for her, pulling Kelly into a tight embrace. “Come talk to me, anytime you need. I’m not going to push you and I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk about things here, but I will.”

  “Thanks, Tiny,” she says with a smirk.

  “I would ask if you wouldn’t mine adding an app to your phone, but I don’t want to overstep.”

  “What kind of app?”

  “One that will allow me to see your general location so if he tries anything again. I’ll be able to find you.”

  “I can take care of myself, big guy.”

  “I know you can, but I’d feel better knowing that I can get to you if you were in trouble.”

  “Honestly, I’m good. He won’t fuck with me. I’m sure he got his kicks and will move on. How’s your son doing?”

  “William’s doing better. He’s joined the local volunteer fire department and is signing up for the fire academy. He’s really enjoying the fire training that he’s receiving at the station. Since joining, he’s been spending his nights there, instead of going out drinking.”

  “I’m glad to hear Bill is better, but what about your daughter, Racheal?”

  “Urg! Don’t get me started about her. She’s boy crazy and very hormonal. I’m just hoping she and my wife can weather the storm until everything blows over. Then I can only hope that things will improve once she goes away to school. Fingers crossed.”

  “Everything will work out, you’ll see. Just be there for them and help when you can. They will both lean on you for support.”

  Bruce just nods, and notices Kelly tapping her foot. He smiles at her and turns to walks out of the bunk. He won’t intrude on her life but wants Kelly to know that he will be there for her if she needs it. He goes to the dayroom, to talk with the boys, leaving Kelly to her thoughts.

  Kelly rolls on her side when the tones have her open her eyes and stare straight ahead. Please don’t be for me. Just leave me alone long enough to rest.

  “Engine and rescue 55, respond to a traffic accident with entrapment.” Figures!

  While Kelly walks out of the station and into the bay, James almost knocks her over. He jumps into his gear and climbs into the fire truck. Kelly gets to the side of her unit and rubs her head. It’s time to shake these thoughts and get my head into the game. After this call, if I can’t take it, I’ll go home sick.

  They respond behind the engine, swinging around cars while they race down the streets. The engine goes on scene and gives the size up, while Kelly and her partner leap out and grab their equipment. They walk the stretcher over to the scene, having what they need lying upon it and ready to grab when they need it. Kelly stands back while the firefighters pull the jaws of life off the engine. They set them up to cut and spread the car apart while she watches her captain point to one car and places a hand on James’ shoulder. From her advantage point, it appears one person is already deceased.

  Kelly taps Brian on the shoulder and points to the monitor, going to the one car to check on the patient. She reaches into the mangled mess of metal and glass, placing her hand on the victim’s neck. She feels for a pulse, but it’s absent. She turns to look at Brian, who’s deploying the cables and shakes her head no. She quickly looks back at the other car when the captain calls them on the radio. It looks like they have the other patient free and need to package them up for transport. She rushes over, helping place the backboard behind them. Once they have her free, they set the board onto the stretcher and strap her down. They place her into the back and start to assess her injuries, cutting away her clothes, so they can expose them. They ask her several questions while trying to calm her down.

  “Is the other person okay? I didn’t mean to text my friend. I just thought a quick text wouldn’t hurt anyone. I wanted to let her know that I was on my way and will pick her up. Is that lady okay?”

  Kelly lies to the patient as she doesn’t want her to become more upset. She needs her to calm down, so she can let her know what else hurts. She fears that the woman may have internal injuries when the blood pressure comes up low and her pulse rate is over 120 beats per minute. She rapidly starts an IV in one arm, while Brian gets another in her right arm. They hang two bags of saline to help increase her blood pressure enough until they can get her into the emergency room. The staff will hopefully move her to the OR, so they can stop the bleeding. With the oxygen on her face and legs lifted into Trendelenburg, there’s nothing more they can do, except drive fast to the hospital. The firefighter from Engine 4, presses the gas pedal and gets them past the slow-moving vehicles.

  They rush into the ER, placing the patient onto the hospital bed and advising the staff of what they know. Kelly makes sure they realize that her blood pressure and pulse are unstable, hoping they will pick up on her hint and get her to surgery. Once she gives her report, she goes to the desk and starts to type up her report. She watches them closely and is glad when they push her bed down the hall. She will get the surgery she needs and will probably make a full recovery. However, when she finds out the truth of the accident, that may haunt her for the rest of her life. A text while you’re driving is never a good idea.

  Kelly begins to type on the computer when the dispatch interrupts her thoughts, “Rescue 55, we need you out of the hospital. We have a structure fire in your area.”

  “Rescue 55 copies. We’re responding. Brian, let’s go!” she calls out and gets into their rescue car.

  Approaching the scene, she can see the huge fire ball above, lighting the night sky. She advises Brian to pull off a side road to get out of the way of the fire trucks and ladder. The two slowly climb out and watch as the fire intensifies at a rapid rate. They look over at one another and agree without saying a word. The fire is spreading too quickly for them to stop it. The crews will have to move to a defensive attack soon, so that no other apartment buildings burn as well.

  Kelly helps Brian push their equipment and the stretcher to a safe location just in case they need to transport someone to the hospital. They place a few coolers of bottled water and get their monitor setup for rehab. They stand by watching the mayhem, while sh
aking their heads. The wind is pushing the fire quickly across the roof line and towards the other side of the long building. The dark black smoke tells them that it’s still out of control and the water isn’t reaching the seat of the fire. They would feel better if the smoke was turning white, as the steam cools the fire and helps put it out. Instead, the fire seems to be growing and it won’t be long, before the fire will consume the entire building.

  Kelly is about to sit on one of the coolers when she hears the report of a trapped victim of the second floor. She doesn’t wait, grabbing the stretcher and starts to pull it closer to the building that’s on fire. They stop short, waiting for the report that they have found her and which side of the building they will come out. She starts to pull an oxygen mask, IV supplies and a few other items out of the bag, so it’s ready. She begins tapping her foot, knowing the firefighters are running out of time, feeling anxious as their safety is just as important to her. It seems like an hour passes, since they got the report of a victim, yet they haven’t heard from the crew inside. Then the order she’s expected comes over her radio, “All crews back out. We are going defensive.”

  The order makes her more nervous as she worries about George and James, who are the two that went inside to find her. She doesn’t want to see them get hurt and starts to pace behind the stretcher. “Come on. Come on.”

  Brian grabs her by the arm. “It’s going to be alright. They will be out soon.”